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Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

Media Release  19th of December 2008

Craig Isherwood‚ National Secretary
PO Box 376‚ COBURG‚ VIC 3058
Phone: 03 9354 0544 Fax: 03 9354 0166
Email: cec@cecaust.com.au
Website: http://cec.cecaust.com.au

LaRouche advances New Bretton Woods in India & Europe

American economist, Lyndon LaRouche has stepped up his efforts to mobilise leading nations to create a New Bretton Woods monetary and economic system early in the new year, with timely visits to India and Europe.

LaRouche and his wife, Helga, together with EIR Counterintelligence editor, Jeff Steinberg, just spent ten days in India, meeting with government officials and addressing government-level institutions, promoting the need for a “Four Power” alliance between the U.S., Russia, China and India to lead the world’s response to the global financial crash.

Following his India visit, LaRouche was invited to speak about the financial crisis in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, by the head of the Lega Nord delegation Mario Borghezio and the chairman of the European Right, Cristiana Muscardini (AN), supported by the head of the Forza Italia delegation, Stefano Zappalà.

Borghezio told Italian publication La Padania, “We wanted to hear the voice, in Europe of an ‘heretical’ economist who had forecast the financial crash much in advance, and who has long since developed a lucid and deep analysis on the distortions in the world economic system. Seen from the view of this expert’s experience, the current crisis has highly complex and dangerous aspects. But he also sees a way out, through choices of economic policy which he calls ‘Rooseveltian’ and which have very little to do with the current US and European policy choices.”

Italy’s leading daily newspaper, Corriere della Sera, reported that LaRouche “calls for saving only that part of the banking system which deals with credit to companies and to citizens. Speculative activities should be left to fail. LaRouche believes that ‘a return to a system of fixed exchange rates’ is essential, and calls for a plan of mega-public investments in infrastructure in Asia, Russia, Europe, Africa, and the U.S.”

In the press conference LaRouche also identified shifts in the U.S. in the direction of organising a New Bretton Woods system. “It’s my belief, that under the Obama Administration, from all signs so far, something in that direction will occur.

“As a result of my success in forecasting, people in the coming government of the new President have acknowledged the fact that I‘ve been right, and decided that I have to play some very significant role in shaping what will be the policy of the new government.”

Click here for more information on the New Bretton Woods.

Click here to purchase a copy of What Australia Must Do to Survive the Depression.

For a free copy of the Nov/Dec New Citizen, “Australian’s role in LaRouche’s New Bretton Woods”, click here.

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